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Essay on noise pollution

Essay on noise pollution

Controlling noise pollution in some cases could be really easy while in others a daunting exercise, essay on noise pollution. The old building and historical monuments are also affected by the noise. Noise pollution has become a growing concern for human health as well as for the environment. The sound between 0dB and dB. However, since it does not occur in one day, we do not tend to realise the effect on us. More on Plastic Pollution: Essay on Plastic Bag Essay on Plastic Pollution Why Plastic Bags Should be Banned Essay Plastic Pollution: Causes, Essay on noise pollution and Solutions Why Plastic Bags are Harmful for Health.

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Noise pollution or sound pollution refers to the presence of excessive and disturbing noise from machines, transportation systems, aircrafts, trains, etc in the environment that is very harmful to the physical and mental health of the living beings on earth. Noise pollution : Causes of Noise Pollution Effects of Noise Pollution Diseases caused by Noise Pollution How to Control Noise Pollution. Noise pollution has become one of the big problems in India affecting the human lives in many ways. We all should know the causes, effects and most importantly the preventive measures of the noise pollution in essay on noise pollution to get prevented from the effects of it. School students generally get this topic to write something according to their own view during the competitions like essay writing, etc.

We have provided below some easily written essay on noise pollution under different words limit for students. You can select any noise pollution essay according to your need and requirement. Noise pollution is considered as the environmental pollution caused in the environment by the excess level of noise through many sources. Noise pollution is also known as the noise disturbance. Excessive noise is harmful to the health and cause imbalance to the human or animal life. It has been a massive environmental issue in India which needs a proper attention to be solved however it is less dangerous than the water, essay on noise pollution, air and soil pollution, essay on noise pollution.

Outdoor noise is hugely caused by the sources like machines, transportation systems, poor urban planning construction of side-by-side industrial and residential buildingsetc. Indoor noise sources are household machines, building activities, loud music, etc. The most common impairment caused by the noise pollution is the permanent hearing loss due to ear drum damage. Normal level of the sound is necessary to maintain the daily lives however undesired sound or noise which is not tolerated by the people, animals or plants causes noise pollution in the environment.

Noise is commonly called as the unwanted sound created by many industrial or non-industrial sources used in the daily life in our surrounding. High level sound creates unpleasant effects and discomfort to the health especially to the ears. Unwanted sound generally interferes with the daily routine activities like sleep in night, conversation, hearing ability, feeling of well being, etc. Water animals are also affected by the noise pollution created by the noise of submarines and big ships in the ocean.

Forest animals have been affected to a great extent due to the chain-saw operations create extreme noise by timber companies. Common sources of the noise pollution are household gadgets, transport vehicles, jet planes, helicopters, industrial machines, etc. According to the World Health Organization, industries must limit their sound production by 75 dB. Noise pollution is the pollution caused by the high and unsafe level of noise in the environment causes lots of health disorders to the human beings, animals and plants. Common problems caused by the noise pollution are stress related illnesses, anxiety, communication problems, speech interference, hearing loss, lost productivity, sleep disruption, fatigue, headache, irritability, nervousness, weakness, essay on noise pollution, reduce sensitivity to sound which essay on noise pollution ear receive to maintain body rhythm, etc.

It causes gradual impairment to the hearing ability over a long period of time. Continuous exposure to high level sound causes permanent damage to the eardrum. High level of the noise causes huge nuisance, injuries, physical trauma, bleeding around brain, large bubbles in organs and even death to the marine animals specially essay on noise pollution and dolphins as they use their hearing ability to communicate, find food, defend and survive in water. The consequences of the noise pollution are more dangerous and worrying in the near future. There are many preventive measures of the noise pollution, some are like promoting soundproof rooms construction in the industries, industries and factories should be away from the residential building, repairing of motorbikes having damaged exhaust pipes, ban of noisy vehicles, airports, bus, railway stations and other transport terminals should be far from the living places, declaring silence zones near educational institutes and hospitals, allowing more vegetation along with roads and residential areas in order to reduce noise pollution by absorbing sound.

Noise pollution is caused by the high level of unwanted sound in the environment which causes pain. Some of the main sources of the noise pollution are like noise generated by the road traffic, air craft noise, railroads noise, noise generated by the construction of buildings, highways, city streets, flyovers, etcindustrial noise, noise created in home on daily basis due to electrical home appliances, plumbing, generators, air conditioners, boilers, fans, etcand noise from consumer products like household equipments, kitchen appliances, vacuum cleaners, washing machine, mixer, juicer, pressure cooker, TV, mobile, dryer, cooler, etc. In some countries highly populated countries like India, etc poor urban planning also plays vital role in the noise pollution as this planning includes the construction of congested houses having large families in small space causing fight for parking, fights for basic requirements, etc lead to the noise pollution.

New generation people play music in full volume and dance for late night causing lots of physical and mental disturbances to the neighbors. High level of noise slowly affects the health and acts as slow poison. It hugely affects the wildlife, lives of plants, and human beings. Normally, the ability of our ear is to accept the only certain range of sounds without making any damage to the ear. However, our ear cannot bear the regular exposure to loud levels of noise and get damage to the ear drums which results in the temporary or permanent loss of hearing. It also causes other disorders like sleeping disorders, fatigue, weakness, cardiovascular issues, essay on noise pollution, stress, high blood pressure, essay on noise pollution, communication problem, etc.

There are various types of pollution in the environment, soil pollution is one of them and have become more dangerous to the health. It has become so dangerous that it can be compared to the other most dangerous problems like cancer, etc in which slow death is sure. Noise pollution is the dangerous gift of modern living style and increasing level of industrialization and urbanization. If regular and effective actions are not taken to control, it can be very serious to the future generations. Noise pollution is the pollution caused by the noise due to the increased level of unwanted sound in the environment. It is a big potential hazard to the health and causes huge level of communication problems.

High level of noise brings irritation in the behavior of many people especially diseased, old people and pregnant essay on noise pollution. Unwanted sound causes deafness problem and other chronic disorders to the ear like damage to the ear drum, ear pain, etc. Sometimes high sound music pleases the listeners however irritates other people, essay on noise pollution. Any undesired sound in the environment is injurious to the health. Some of the sources participating highly in the noise pollution are industries, factories, transportation, traffic, aeroplane engines, train sounds, essay on noise pollution, home appliances, construction, etc. The noise level of 60 db is considered as the normal noise however, noise level of 80 db or above become physically painful and harmful to the health, essay on noise pollution.

Cities having high noise quantum are Delhi 80 dbKolkata 87 dbBombay 85 dbChennai 89 dbetc. Limiting the amount of noise to a safe level has become very necessary for the life on the earth as undesired noise affects the health of human beings, plants and animals too. Noise pollution is caused by the noise when the level of noise gets increased than the normal level in the environment. Excessive amount of noise in the environment is unsafe for the living purpose. Unpleasant sound causes various disturbances in the natural balance. High volume noises are unnatural and create difficulty in escaping those generated noises. In such a modern and technological world, where everything is possible through the electrical appliances at home or outside the home, essay on noise pollution, the risk of noise has been increased to a great extent.

Increasing the demand of urbanization and industrialization in India is causing major exposure of people to the unwanted sounds. Understanding, planning and implementing strategies to get prevented from the noise pollution has been necessary to curb within time. The sounds we make in our everyday life like loud music, unnecessary use of television, phone, traffic, dog barking and etc noise creating sources have become part of the urban culture as well as most disturbing things causing headache, sleep disturbances, stress, etc. Those things causing disturbance to the natural rhythm of life are called as dangerous pollutant. Following are the causes or sources essay on noise pollution effects of the noise pollution:.

General awareness should be increased among people and all the rules should be followed seriously by everyone in order to control the unsafe sound level in the environment. Unnecessary use of things generating high pitch sound should be reduced in the home or outside the home like clubs, parties, bars, discos, etc, essay on noise pollution. Noise pollution is the essay on noise pollution caused by the various noise sources whether by the industrial or non-industrial affecting the human beings, plants and animals health in many aspects.

Regularly increasing level of the noise pollution is keeping the lives of people of present generation and coming generations at high risk. I have discussed below the sources, essay on noise pollution, effects, legal aspects control noise pollution and conclusion of the noise pollution. The level of noise pollution has been increased a lot in India by the urbanization, modern civilization, industrialization, etc. The spread essay on noise pollution noise is caused by the industrial and non-industrial sources. Industrial sources of noise include the use of big machines of high technologies working at high speed and high level of noise intensity in the various industries.

Non-industrial sources of noise include noise created outside the industries such as through the transport, vehicles traffic and other means by people. Non-industrial source of noise can be natural or man made. Some of the industrial and non-industrial sources of noise pollution are mentioned below:. Noise pollution highly affects the health of human beings, animals and properties. Some of are mentioned below:. Increasing level of noise pollution has created the urgent need of general awareness about the sources, effects and preventive measures of the noise pollution.

High level of noise should be prohibited in the areas like working places, educational institutes, residential areas, hospitals, etc. Young children and students should be motivated to not get involved in the high sound producing acts like use of high sound generating equipments and instruments on the occasions. Use of high level sound generating fire crackers should be reduced during the occasions like festivals, parties, marriages, etc, essay on noise pollution. Subjects related to the noise pollution should be added into textbooks and activities can be organized in the schools like lectures, discussion, etc so that new generations can be more essay on noise pollution and responsible citizens. Pollution Essay : Air Pollution Water Pollution Soil Pollution Noise Pollution Thermal Pollution.

Pollution Slogans : Air Pollution Slogans Water Pollution Slogans Soil Pollution Slogans Noise Pollution Slogans. Noise Pollution : Causes of Noise Pollution Effects of Noise Pollution Diseases caused by Noise pollution How to Control Noise pollution, essay on noise pollution. Paragraph on Noise Pollution. More on Plastic Pollution: Essay on Plastic Bag Essay essay on noise pollution Plastic Pollution Why Plastic Bags Should be Banned Essay Plastic Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solutions Why Plastic Bags are Harmful for Health. An Entrepreneur Director, White Planet Technologies Pvt. Masters in Computer Application and Business Administration.

A passionate writer, writing content for many years and regularly writing for Indiacelebrating. com and other Popular web portals. Always believe in hard work, where I am today is just because of Hard Work and Passion to My work, essay on noise pollution. I enjoy being busy all the time and respect a person who is disciplined and have respect for others. Find all. Please Help us to improve, Contact us. Noise Pollution Essay. Noise pollution : Causes of Essay on noise pollution Pollution Effects of Noise Pollution Diseases caused by Noise Pollution How to Control Noise Essay on noise pollution Long and Short Essay on Noise Pollution in English Noise pollution has become one of the big problems in India affecting the human lives in many ways.

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Mankind is playing with the health of the animals as well as the health of the birds, which are a matter of concern. Due to noise pollution, human nature is irritable and at the same time it has problems like headache. An example of how wild life also threatens the life of wildlife is that today the species of beaked whale fish is on the verge of extinction due to the practice conducted by the forces at sea. Since most of the noise pollution is spread by human beings, so as long as there is no human on this subject, there is no noise pollution.

Noise pollution is prevalent everywhere, it is almost impossible to eliminate it because all the organisms are able to communicate through this, including the human race. Noise pollution cannot be eradicated but can be reduced so that it does not adversely affect the lives of the earth. Although efforts are made by the government to reduce noise pollution but it cannot be reduced until people themselves think of reducing it. Any object or other process that produces a high noise comes under the category of noise pollution.

Due to increasing urbanization in India, a part of the population lives in cities, which makes it very crowded and where there is more congestion, it is natural to produce noise and this gives rise to noise pollution. Noise pollution is basically divided into two parts — natural noise pollution and man-made noise pollution. Natural noise pollution arises from various events occurring on the earth includes all the incidents that produce any kind of sound. Volcanic eruption: This is a natural phenomenon, it generates a lot of noise and at the same time it also causes air pollution and water pollution. Rumble of Clouds: The climate of the Earth is constantly changing due to which clouds are formed and due to their thunder, noise is generated in a large area which causes noise pollution.

produce natural noise pollution although it does not harm anyone. Large inventions has been made by humans, which produce a large amount of sound such as trains, airplanes, submarines etc. Let us know what causes manmade noise pollution:. Supersonic at the speed of sound airplanes that move at high speeds produce a high amount of noise. Noise pollution is caused by traffic vehicles such as scooters, motorcycles, cars, buses, auto rickshaws, tractors, trucks, etc. which run on the roads every day. Industrial causes. Industry it means produces the new products.

in this place we should be have machines other machines cause for increasing noise pollution. Poor urban planning. Give to raise of noise pollution if there any government do not have the plan for reducing noise, when the noise is increasing that is cause for high level of pollution by noise increasing the rate of residential area and factory in poor urban. Large number of causing transport raise the rate of pollution by noise. for example car, bus, tractor, train, big car and other transport thing. In the big city have the high level of noise pollution because number of population high and number of cars come to high.

in the large city aircraft make a big problem for urban, for example London, Mumbai and Chicago. Construction activities. When we say construction it means construction other things in other places. construction activity like construction bridge, dame, tower and roads. Household chores. Urban people are surround by gadgets or other house equipment and use some or in daily life gadgets like mobile, TV, mixer, grinder and cooker, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, refrigerator, air condition. All it of produce high amounts of noise. Inhabits affects the quality life of the neighborhood. Agricultural machines. Most of agricultural machinery make the sound that cause for raise the amount of noise. agricultural machinery like thrasher, tube wells, tractor, power tillers and harvesters. This machinery do the work easier and less than time, but cause to produce high levels of noise.

In the state of Punjab in India the agriculture machinery cause to high levels of noise pollution the range between 90dB to 98dB. When the noise recorded a high level of pollution by noise, it causes some health problems or other effects in the environment. I want to give you some information about effects noise pollution on the people, land, water, and all of the things living on the Earth. What are effects of noise pollution? Hearing problems. Any unwanted sound that circulates in the environment makes a problem for ears. Manmade noise such as jack hammers, air plane, horn push and the transport system makes a high level of noise, which can easily result in the damage of our ear drams and loss of hearing. It also reduces our sensitivity to sounds that ears pick up unconsciously to regulate our body rhythm.

Health issues. Increasing the amount of noise it means excessive noise that cause for exposure people of high the amount of noise in such areas for example offices, construction sites, bar and our home can influence psychological health. In the environment some diseases are circulating and affects in the people for example aggressive behaviour, disturbance of sleep, constant stress, fatigue and hypertension there in turn can cause more severe and chronic health issues later in life. Sleeping disorder. Loud noise can to be the cause for hamper in sleeping pattern. That time they have disorder in the sleeping cause to make some problems such as fatigue and the performance in the office or home.

Cardio-vascular issues. The high level of noise pollution cause for high level in; blood pressure, cardio-vascular disease and stress related heart problem. that is cause for changing heart beats rate and disrupt the normal blood flow. Trouble in communicating. High decibel of noise can make trouble and may not allow two people to communicate freely, as a result it lessens the capacity to work effective. It can lead to irritation, exhaustion, lack -self confidence and concentration problems. Noise is directly interrelated with a decline in concentration and increase in aggression. Affects on wild life and marine animals. The excessive level of noise pollution affects on the animals. The rural areas, unfortunately, still face the wrath of noise pollution. It is up to us, the educated urban crowds, to control and prohibit the curse of noise pollution.

Today, everyone has come to know the deadly effect of noise pollution. The government has taken some of the crucial steps to reduce the sound pollution. The noise of Loud Speakers should be limited and should not cross beyond a certain decibel. Government has imposed strict restrictions and posed limitations on the use of loudspeakers during festivals. The effects of noise pollution is not restricted to human beings alone, it has deadly impacts on lives of animals as well. To control this type of pollution, people should create awareness on its impact on human health. Airports should be situated far away from residential areas. Manufacturing industries such as steel and iron establishments should be situated far away from residential complexes. We may not be able to totally stop noise pollution , but we can definitely take steps to reduce it by a great level.

The public should be made aware of its deadly hazards. Reader Interactions Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer HOME CONTACT US All Essays JEE Main Table of Contents. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Footer Top Trending Essays in March Essay on Pollution Essay on my School Summer Season My favourite teacher World heritage day quotes my family speech importance of trees essay autobiography of a pen honesty is the best policy essay essay on building a great india my favourite book essay essay on caa my favourite player autobiography of a river farewell speech for class 10 by class 9 essay my favourite teacher words internet influence on kids essay my favourite cartoon character.

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