My Goals In Life Essay Good Essays, my goals in life essay. Get Custom Essay from:. I want to be a successful and businessperson and a loving partner to the person that I will marry. Everything was perfect and happy, there are some small fights sometimes but we still manage to say sorry and get back on track. I will climb and tackle any or every obstacle placed in between me and that success.
What Are My Goals In Life Essay
I know everyone should have a goal in their life that they are striving to get to. Me personally, have many goals that I would like to reach throuhout my life. First, I would like to go to college when I get through with high school, second, I want to always keep God first in my life, third, I would just like to reach all of my desired goals. My first goal is going to college. When I get out of school, I would like to go to My goals in life essay University, in Nashville, TN. I want to go to school to be a psychiatrist and also study music. I like to help and give people good advice to help them with their life. I would love to study music because I've been loving music practically all my life. I love to make my own music and write also. I love to sing along with me liking music.
My second goal is to keep God first always. I learned that you can do nothing without him, my goals in life essay. No matter how hard you may try, or keep him out, you can't. God is a big part of lifeand I take him with me wherever I go. That's what everyone shoud do. My third goal is to just reach all of my desired goals. If I reach all of my goals, my goals in life essay, I would be a great success in my life. I would like to help and give money to charity. i would love to help everyone. That is one of my topmost goals in my life. In conclusion, you know that one thing about me I like to help people.
I give respect to everyone I possibbe can. One thing I say is, "you have to give respect to get it. If I didn't have music, I don't know where I would be, my goals in life essay. That is just how much I love music. I just want to reach all of my desired goals. Continue reading this essay Continue reading. Toggle navigation My goals in life essay. Saved Essays. Topics in Paper. Example Essays. What are my Goals for Life. Continue reading this essay Continue reading Page 1 of 1. Next Page.
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They will lead this world into the next generation. DaVita, my current employer, recently recognized my academic and career achievements. They awarded me with the Redwood Scholarship, which is a generous academic scholarship given to a few employees with outstanding academic and career records. The entire amount is set aside to pay for my doctoral studies, beginning Spring Choosing a career following high school graduation is very important if I wish to fulfill my goal in life. To be successful in life, education is a key point to attaining it. Many high paying jobs requires a high school diploma as well as a degree which is resulted from attending college. After completing high school, I fully intend to register in either the University of California, Los Angeles or go to Pima Medical Institute.
Music has always been one of my passions in life. Good quality instructors are what society needs in order to make this country flourishing. Yet, I have heard many controversies over what an effective teacher really is. Although this was intimidating, it gave me more determination to work towards my goal. I think that is something remarkable. I am also interested in the profession because of how much I will be able to help kids. Some of the challenges concerning a pediatric nurse is that I will have to go to college for a while. I think in the end that all of my schooling, hard work, and debt will all be worth it in the end. I hope that I will be able to accomplish my dream job by becoming a pediatric nurse. There are many things that I already know about a pediatric nurse. In return, I will contribute to the university as a person with leadership qualities who takes initiative and enjoys participating in school events.
For many years, I have wanted to become a midwife, and the Ivy School of Nursing stands out as the premium institution for such training. The university's close proximity to many hospitals will familiarize me with patients and hospital life, allowing me the best training possible. As an individual, I will thrive in the intimate and familiar environment of the nursing school, one of Ivy's smallest schools. Coming from a small high school, I was greatly impressed by my visit to the campus, where I noticed the close relationships between the professors and students, and the strong family feeling within the nursing school. She has been through surgeries and many infections and she always had to give herself hope by being ambitious. She continued to live life as normally as possible in order to counteract the fear of dying; she did that by keeping her hope of being a doctor alive.
Another aspect of her ability to overcome the fear dying was the love and support from family. They motivated her and encouraged her to live as normally as possible by allowing her to the same treatment as her other siblings. Home Page My Goals In Life Essay. My Goals In Life Essay Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. My goals in life are ultimately to achieve success in life. My goals are to also have happiness, prosperity in every area in my life, and the freedom and peace within to be able to carry out my goals.
My goals are also heavily influenced on the hardships my parents have had to endure such as facing ridicule for the simple fact of being immigrants, the extremely difficult time they endured due to unemployment and living in poverty, and the low degree of education they received from their countries. My goals are so important to me because I view it as way out of barely getting by, out of a harder life. My goals consist of me being the first person on my mother 's side to ever graduate from middle and high school. My goals also consist of making my parents proud of their daughter, a daughter that will give them a more comfortable life, one that is not filled with such pain. After seeing my mother suffer from a liver infection which caused her to become sick to the point of hospitalization, I promised myself that day I never wanted anyone to feel as sick as my mother did.
No one deserves to go through that much suffering. My dream and passion is to study Biology at the GREAT Bethune- Cookman University and to be a doctor who will not only help my community here in America but also for my families in …show more content… While in college, my goal is to obtain the highest academic honors possible. I plan to do this by dedicating my time studying and taking my course work very seriously. Everything was perfect and happy, there are some small fights sometimes but we still manage to say sorry and get back on track. We get busy most of the times because of our businesses but we never forget to take good care of our family. Now that we are old, we are still together and I am very thankful that God has given me all the blessings I have especially a partner like you.
There is no other way I would like the story of my life written. Everything that has happened to me is perfect and just right. My ultimate goal in life is to find someone who will love, accept and believe in me. I want to be a successful and businessperson and a loving partner to the person that I will marry. I will do my very best to achieve my goals of having a family and be a responsible parent to my future kids. I will start a small business I will make it grow. I will also help my parents and give them back all the love and support they have given me.
My future will be bright because I have faith that God will give me all the desires of my heart as long as I will retain my faith and combine it with patience and hard work. I know everyone will fulfill his or her dreams just by believing in oneself. Just like me, none should stop dreaming, but dreaming should be accompanied by plans. Being a disciplined individual will also help me in achieving my goals. Whatever my future may hold for me I will never stop striving to be a better self of me. Even if I will be given a different path, I will always go back to the track wherein I am my truest self. I will remain grounded and I will never forget the roots of my success.
The people who supported me and guided me will always be part of who I am going to be in the future, and my achieved goals will surely become the testimonies of my handwork. Buy Essay Pay For Essay Write My Essay Homework Writing Help Essay Editing Service Thesis Writing Help Write My College Essay Do My Essay Term Paper Writing Service Coursework Writing Service Write My Research Paper Assignment Writing Help Essay Writing Help. Login Order now. Call Now! Order now. Search for:. Order now! Get Custom Essay from:. Free essay sample on the given topic "Advantages Of Studying Locally".
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