Not all their religion. Provides that shylock victim or villain essay among people, vengeance, shylock victim or villain essay, the sea and law compared to justice. that Shylock is a usurer and appears to be a spiteful old man who is a Jew; Jews were the ones who crucified Christ and are considered to be the enemies of Christians. Shakespeare a play article writer of the 16th century, a lot more creative, sophisticated and educated then the Elizabethan audience this individual wrote this kind of play intended for whom might have perceived Shylock as a Jew a villain, presents Shylock in a more sophisticated way. Just as things seem to be going in the direction of Shylock, Portia manages to bend the bond saying that Shylock can have an exact pound of flesh but he can not shed one drop of blood as that is not in the bond. Hire a writer.
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Lear ends up losing his power and family because of deceit. His two eldest daughters decide that they are going to take as much power as they can and do not care what they have to do to win power. Lear feels like shylock victim or villain essay is an outcast and that he does not have a home anymore because he has no power and his family turned on him. Critics believe that Lear goes mad because he no longer has the power he once had. Is The Merchant of Venice promoting or criticising anti-Semitism? Shakespeare passionately portrays characters in the Merchant of Venice that exhibit his conflicting perceptions towards anti-semitism in which he both advocates, condemns and remains neutral towards.
Shakespeare can be shylock victim or villain essay to promote anti-semitic behaviour predominantly but not exclusively through the Jewish moneylender- Shylock. Who falls short to the many accounts of bigotry noted and directed towards him in the play. Antonio, who was consequently in relation to the more dominant Christian society casted a belittling shadow over Shylock. What makes him even more angry is finding out Jessica ran away to elope with a Christian. This anger leads him to seek out vengeance against Antonio.
Lorenzo and Antonio are friends, which bridges a connection between Lorenzo and Shylock. Because Shylock shows no mercy on Antonio, the Duke is forced to let Shylock take a pound of Antonio 's flesh. Just as Shylock is about to kill Antonio, Portia discovers a loophole. She reminds Shylock that the bond does not allow any blood loss, and it must be exactly a pound of flesh, no more, no less, shylock victim or villain essay. Shylock is forced to spare Antonio in the fear of being imprisoned. Portia then states that because Shylock attempted to kill Antonio, he will be forced to give up half of his fortune because the laws of Venice state that any shylock victim or villain essay who attempts to murder a Venetian will be forced to do so. Most Shakespearean comedies end with marriages and the triumph of a protagonist, as opposed to death and misfortune like a tragedy.
By this definition, The Merchant of Venice is a comedy; yet, shylock victim or villain essay, many skeptics question this claim due to their analysis of the trial. However, these skeptics blame it on the Christian defendants in court. Shakespeare portrays Shylock as a self-destructive character, affirming that The Merchant of Venice is a comedic play, and reinforces its anti-Semitic message by suggesting that Jews create their own problems. In the period where The Merchant of Venice is set, anti-Semitism was ubiquitous. However, the complex character of Shylock occasionally shows signs of humanity, which suggests that Shylock is a victim but — particularly from the perspective of the other main characters, such as Portia or Antonio - also a villain.
However, we also see that Shylock is a devout widower, who is victimised and tries to seek revenge legally…. Much like Bruce himself and his family are hurt because they must partake in living his lie, so are Henry James ' characters hurt by Morris Townsend 's lie. Furthermore, the main use of the allusion to Washington Square is to highlight the betrayal felt by Helen when she discovered Bruce 's affairs with his students. Bechdel describes the plot of the novel as "[a] plain, dull, shylock victim or villain essay, but wealthy young woman falls in love with the smooth-talking fortune hunter, Morris Townsend" 66 panel 2, shylock victim or villain essay. This illustrates that Morris was merely playing a role to achieve the end he wanted.
When Catherine discovers Townsends real goals, she is distraught and he is also the reason her father disinherits her. The husband she has chosen also upsets him. Hamlet shylock victim or villain essay that she is committing incest because of this. Hamlet dislikes Claudius as an individual and deems him unworthy of his mother. Even though Nicholas wants to love Alison, he is not worthy of her love because of his character. He is a jackanapes in many ways, which is revealed when he grabs Alison by the quim on their first meeting, wants to obtain the love of a married woman and ultimately lies to her husband in order to get away with Alison.
On the other hand, Alison breaks this rule because of her character, making…. His disapproval of King Claudius caused him to need a stronger relationship causing him to unintentionally fall for his mother to satisfy this void. When Claudius married Gertrude, Hamlet showed a vast amount of anger and did not express many reasons behind the anger. This could be because he was upset that Claudius was taking her away from him, even if he was psychologically unaware of why he was feeling this anger. O, shylock victim or villain essay wicked speed, to post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets! Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool.
Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Examples Of Shylock As A Villain In The Merchant Of Venice. Examples Of Shylock As A Villain In The Merchant Of Venice Words 6 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Read More. Words: - Pages: 5. Essay On Anti Semitism In Merchant Of Venice Is The Merchant of Venice promoting or criticising anti-Semitism? The Importance Of Lorenzo In William Shakespeare's The Merchant Of Venice What makes him even more angry is finding out Jessica ran away to elope with a Christian. Shylock's Faith In The Merchant Of Venice Because Shylock shows no mercy on Antonio, the Duke is forced to let Shylock take a pound of Antonio 's flesh.
Words: - Pages: 6. Merchant Of Venice Character Analysis Essay Most Shakespearean comedies end with marriages and the triumph of a protagonist, as opposed to death and misfortune like a tragedy. Shylock As A Victim In The Merchant Of Venice Essay In the period where The Merchant of Venice is set, anti-Semitism was ubiquitous. Themes Of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity In Fun Home And Washington Square Much like Bruce himself and his family are hurt because they must partake in living his lie, so are Henry James ' characters hurt by Morris Townsend 's lie.
Words: - Pages: 4. Courtly Love In The Handmaid's Tale Even though Nicholas wants shylock victim or villain essay love Alison, he is not worthy of her love because of his character. The Relationship Between Hamlet And Gertrude In Shakespeare's Hamlet His disapproval of King Claudius caused him to need a stronger relationship causing him to unintentionally fall for his mother to satisfy this void. Words: - Pages: 7. Related Topics. The Merchant of Venice Shylock. Ready To Get Started? Create Flashcards. Discover Create Flashcards Mobile apps. Company About FAQ Support Legal Accessibility. Follow Facebook Twitter, shylock victim or villain essay.
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arumentative essay
Although there is a great amount of evidence from other characters accusing that Shylock is a villain there is a small amount that shows Shylock to be a perfect victim to severe racial abuse from most characters that are in the play, that even includes his daughter to some extent. The first impressions that we get of Shylock are important because they tend influence the audiences opinion of the character from the first few lines. I hate him for he is a Christian. Shylock makes this speech very powerful by using repetition in his lines and by using lists, this creates a more dramatic and emotional effect towards the audience.
Shylock has a great dislike of the way that he has been treated by Antonio and his other friends so his only way to get back at him is to look at the bond, which has been made if the debt of three thousand ducats is not repaid in the allocated time. Good news, good news! The next scene is the court scene which passes on a lot of strong feelings for almost all of the characters. In the scene Shylock is very eager that the law should be kept and that he gets his bond to which his has sworn. The Duke who is also the judge pleads with Shylock for mercy towards Antonio, to which Shylock just refuses and insists on keeping the bond, thus showing his pure hatred which he holds for Antonio.
Shylocks actions in this scene show to the audience that he has no merciful side to his personality in addition to the cruelty that he has already portrayed. Last efforts come from Portia, who is disguised as a lawyer, to try and get Shylock to agree to some form of mercy, Portia starts to explain the importance of mercy and how it can not be forced from man but that it has to come naturally. Despite this speech and its powerful meaning Shylock appears to be unmoved and still claims his bond. Just as things seem to be going in the direction of Shylock, Portia manages to bend the bond saying that Shylock can have an exact pound of flesh but he can not shed one drop of blood as that is not in the bond.
Due to this new arrangement in the bond Shylock suddenly backs out of the bond. Considering that Portia has just said a moving speech about the importance of having mercy, she herself becomes a hypocrit not showing any mercy for the dealings with Shylock. All of these characters in turn are going to be in support of Antonia and against Shylock, even the Duke who is playing the judge are against him. Even though his bond for Antonio had failed he had to suffer the consequences: he had to give half of his wealth to the state and upon his death the other half would go to his daughter Jessica and her lover Lorenzo in addition to this Shylock also had to become a Christian. By the end of this scene Shylock is very distraught, some people may think that Shylock got what he deserved for being a villain and others may well think that he is a victim who has been brought to justice unfairly.
Personally I think that Shylock is more a victim than he is a villain, he has bad parts to him, for example the choice of bond, but we also get to learn that there is a sensitive caring person deep down in his soul, as we learn from his reaction to losing his ring. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. By clicking "SEND", you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. We'll occasionally send you account related and promo emails.
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A Doll'S House. A Raisin In The Sun. A Streetcar Named Desire. Death Of A Salesman. Much Ado About Nothing. The Glass Menagerie. So this could infer how he likes his money more than his daughter. The contemporary audience would sympathise with Shylock as he is being mocked behind his back. Act 3 Scene 1 was set in Venice, which was the place of business. Shylock is in the street by himself, whereas Solanio and Solario are together. This would build up tension between the two characters and shows Shylock as dark and Jessica as fair.
He is arguing for common humanity as he feels alienated and vulnerable. Here at the end of the speech I believe the audience would have been silenced as Shylock touches on some sensitive topics. The imagery created is extremely efficacious because Shylock has an extremely valid point and has divulged this with a rhetorical question. This would have an inducing effect on the audience because this phrase would leave them to answer this question in their own mind. The utilisation of a rhetorical question has enabled Shylock to communicate indirectly to the audience, which could influence their opinion of him.
Torture is a powerful word and very horrific, which shows deep desire to get revenge on Antonio. In Act 3 Scene 3, Antonio has been arrested. Shylock takes the image of a dog and turns it around to the Christians. Here is evidence of how bitter Shylock has become and the tone in which he would say it would be sarcastic. Act 4 Scene 1 is the central and most dramatic part of the play where both Shylock and Antonio settle their differences in a courtroom. When Shylock first enters the room he is being questioned. At this juncture the audience would have commiseration for Shylock because the contrast of how he is treated compared with Antonio, here Shylock is seen as a victim.
In the courtroom when Shylock replies he uses quite vengeful and powerful language and he uses a lot of language associated with animals. These words are significant because they show his passion for revenge. The animal imagery is crude and based on vermin which makes Shylock seem uncanny in the eyes of the audience. The way Shakespeare brings the knife into this is he cleverly uses light relief from a minor character to bring this about. This is significant because he knows that the end is approaching, so the audience would feel for Antonio because they know that Shylock is eager to kill him.
So they are trying to play mind games with Shylock , these tactics would be viewed as unfair by the contemporary audience. Evidently, this shows that Shylock does not want justice but revenge and the audience would see that clearly. The atmosphere is drastically tense, Shakespeare uses hyperbolic language to express emotional sadness. The fact that Antonio is nearing death makes the audience feel for him as his life is on the line. But on the other hand he refused to take any sum of money, even six times the original amount. so in someways he is a victim but sometimes a villian I think Shylock is a villain because of his actions and emotions. The other characters think he is evil. This quote shows the opinion the others have of Shylock. I also see Shylock as a villain because when his daughter runs away he said he would rather her dead at his feat with the stolen jewels in her ear.
everybody is treating him unfairly and he feels that to make it fair then he should be aloud to do it too, I feel that this is reasonable. I think shylock is a victim because he thinks that he should have every right to fulfill the bond, even if it is a little extreme. This seems fair because all his life he was being pushed around and then he has this chance to take out all those years of misery out on antonio, the cause, in a court. On the other hand shylock is also shown as a villian because he then admits he hates antonio which is why he wants this contract fulfilled. this is what makes him the villain because he has crossed the line of being a moral person.
in conclusion i believe shylock is the victim and the villian. I am a Jew. O be damned inexcrable dog. I also think though,that Shylock is a villain as he explains in the play that he will not take any form of money,he just wants to kill Antonio which is a very evil thing to say. To integrate quotations properly, you need to introduce them and use the correct punctuation. If it is a long quotation, you miss a line and indent. If it is a short quotation, keep it on the same line. Examples: Shylock is persecuted by the Christians in Venice, because he is a Jew. Shylock is persecuted by the Christians in Venice, because he is a Jew.
the only reason they do this is because he is a Jew. If every ducat in 6 thousand ducats were in 6 parts,and every part a ducat,I would not draw them. I think that Shylock is a villain. I think this shows that Shylock is very evil and is driven by revenge. I think Shylock is a victim as he is abused by the christians in Venice. This shows that he has a strong hatred towards Shylock. Shylock has spent his life receiving abuse from Christians. Discusses whether he was subjected to problems at the time, or if he caused problems for other people. Throughout the play: The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare juggles with the idea of Shylock being either a villain or a victim.
At the time the Merchant of Venice was written, Jews were neglected and abused by Christians. This is reflected in the Merchant of Venice, although the audience of the play is made to feel sorry for Shylock at times, such as when Jessica, Shylocks daughter, elopes with a Christian. This is why in the end he seems to be portrayed as a villain. But is he really a victim or a villain? In these sets of examples, Shakespeare uses language and scenarios to suggest Shylock is a victimized character. In the following situations Shylock is victimized by others around him because he is Jewish. In the Merchant of Venice, Shylock speaks of how he is offended by Christians and the names he is called by them. This is around during the time when then the bond is first made.
This throws Shylock into a state of rage. This is where Shylock starts to act out on his villainous side. This clearly makes the link between Shylock as someone akin to the devil. Shakespeare sets up numerous cases of Shylock being victimized than those previously stated. Shylock is a victim of business due to the fact that Antonio lends out money gratis. It brings down the rate of interest in Venice and this means that Shylock is not able to make money because all the people who borrow it, end up going to Antonio instead. In court after Shylock loses his case, part of his punishment as well as monetary Owings is to become Christian. At this point, Shylock is basically defined as a villain, but because he is constantly ridiculed and humiliated by Antonio his revenge could be understood somewhat.
He clearly seeks to kill Antonio by taking a pound of his flesh. Antonio and Bassanio interprets Shylock bond at first as a bit of a joke. But when Shylock is thrown into a state of rage when his daughter steals his goods, he decides to act out on his bond. This is why Shylock would have been regarded as a villain as well during this era. The real turning point of Shylocks evil doings is when his daughter Jessica runs away and takes all his wealth with her. This provokes him into craving his bond and truly becoming villainous. In conclusion Shylock is interpreted as an unfortunate victim but also as a vindictive villain. Had Jessica not left he may have stayed within reason of right and wrong. Because Shylock ends up being a greedy man, audiences remember Shylock as more of a villainous character than a victim, especially because he tried to kill Antonio.
This is why Shylock is regarded as a villain. Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? f you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. This essay was written by a fellow student.
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