Home Page Persuasive Essay: The Benefits Of Medical Marijuana. Medical marijuana is a growing legalization movement throughout the United States that now consists of sixteen states that allow the use of medicinal marijuana. It is one of the most safe, cheap, effective, and least addictive substances that can be used to treat physical and mental illness. In a journal of Addictive behavior Medical marijuana is cheaper medicine. it is a major contributor to fuels movement, medical marijuana persuasive essay, helps textile-based products.
Medical Marijuana
Medical Marijuana One of the most controversial issues in the United States is over medical marijuana. Many experiments test the validity of the drug as a medicine, and results of these experiments receive much praise but also some critique. The DEA and the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws NORML are battling over the issue. The underlying matter that cannot be ignored is that marijuana proves to be a useful medication for many patients, especially those with wasting diseases such as AIDS and cancer. In California passed Propositionwhich allowed the use of medical marijuana Although marijuana shouldn't be completely legalized, a compromise should arise in order to medicalize marijuana.
Medical marijuana and marijuana have had a long history of repeated use in the United States. First, from tomarijuana, including opium and cocaine were considered part of everyday drugs. As time went on, the U. cracked down on the use of crack and opium with a treaty called International Opium Convention of As of today, in most of the states, marijuana is classified as an illegal drug. However, due to its proven medicinal purposes, the drug should be made available for sick people to use. Marijuana has been used for multiple purposes prior to the birth of Christ.
Marijuana originated in the Middle East. China played an important part in marijuana's history. Should it be Legal? In the state legislator of New Mexico made a law allowing physicians to prescribe marijuana to patients suffering from nausea caused by chemotherapy, much of this due to the efforts of medical marijuana persuasive essay cancer patient by the name of Lynn Pierson. The Federal government modified the law to make it comply with IND regulations requiring a research program. The FDA also demanded many studies and required the doctors to fill out many pages of forms for every patient and documenting their progress, slowing the process to a stand still.
This process of getting marijuana to the patients was taking so long that New Mexico officials considered using confiscated marijuana from the state highway patrol. The American movement towards the legalization of medicinal marijuana under federal law is on the rise. Medical marijuana persuasive essay of legalization claim that medicinal marijuana is harmless because of its pain relieving effects and one cannot overdose, medical marijuana persuasive essay. Medical marijuana persuasive essay both statements are true, marijuana has not been endorsed by any of the major medical programs. There has been a lot of literature on the medicinal properties of marijuana which physicians in ancient China and India discovered in their practice.
However, it was only in that physicians in America reported the success of marijuana in treating pain, gonorrhea, chronic cough, and several other conditions. This report triggered demand for marijuana-based medications and various pharmaceutical companies embarked on the production of reliable and potent drugs from cannabis plant Marijuana As Medicine? The widespread use of marijuana continued to the s and the U. S government had to take measures to prevent abuse. The Marijuana Tax Act of made cannabis so expensive to obtain that its usage as a medical remedy in the U.
came to a halt. Although now illegal in the U, medical marijuana persuasive essay. There are a variety of opinions both for and against the re-legalization of marijuana medical marijuana persuasive essay. Perhaps the most controversial aspect of the legalization debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes. All drugs, both prescription and non-prescription, are federally 'Scheduled' by the DEA Drug Enforcement Agency. Having a card grants you access to medicinal marijuana, medical marijuana persuasive essay. However, the process can seem intimidating maybe even confusing or frown upon to get a medical card to some patients.
Doctors would still rather prescribe pharmaceutical drugs then medical. In some medical cases, marijuana is prescribed by the doctors since the pain tolerance is too high. However, marijuana medical marijuana persuasive essay be considered as less toxic than other medicines that are out there. Medical marijuana is cheaper medicine, medical marijuana persuasive essay. One can begin with comparing two medicines such as Marinol and marijuana. Marinol is a generic form of the name brand drug that is an alternative for marijuana. Medical Marijuana Marijuana is medicine. It has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of ailments. Marijuana Cannabis sativa L.
was legal in the United States for all purposes - industrial and recreational, as well as medicinal until Today, only eight Americans are legally allowed to use marijuana as medicine. NORML is working to restore marijuana's availability as medicine. Home Page Persuasive Essay On Medical Marijuana. Persuasive Essay On Medical Marijuana Good Essays. Open Document, medical marijuana persuasive essay. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Is it possible for an illegal drug to be deemed as legal for medical purposes? This is the case for Marijuana. Cannabis, medical marijuana persuasive essay, also known as marijuana, is an preparation of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or medicine.
Although marijuana does have a good side, that side being used for its medicinal properties. Medical marijuana has the potential to become a natural alternative drug to alleviate pain from many common diseases in this day and age. While recreational use of marijuana is controversial as is any drug, many believe that the drug should be made legal to use for medical purposes. Medicinal use of marijuana dates back to …show more content… Up untilwhen the Marijuana Tax Act was passed, marijuana was a legal source for medicine in the United States. Because of this setback, medical marijuana persuasive essay, it has become increasingly difficult for researchers to study medical marijuana.
Neurosurgeon Sanjay Gupta personally apologized for dismissing the value of scientific research for medicinal marijuana usage. Although there are sixty-six cannabinoids in marijuana, two inexact have been the subjects of most studies examining medical uses: delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol THC and cannabinol CBD. Medical marijuana is a growing legalization movement throughout the United States that now consists of sixteen states that allow the use of medicinal marijuana. If further scientific research is funded, medical marijuana persuasive essay, maybe one day the United States will hopefully legalize medical marijuana use in every …show more content… Its medical benefits far outweigh medical marijuana persuasive essay few associated negative side effects.
Some negative side effects include:dizziness, dry mouth, agitation, increased appetite, and slowed reaction time. Compared to other drugs, marijuana is not an addictive drug nor can it kill you, unlike many common drugs that doctors prescribe daily to treat illnesses. There are no reported deaths from marijuana usage because it would be physically impossible to overdose of this drug. According to a United States administrative law hearing, the user would have to consume nearly 1, pounds of marijuana within fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response. Medical marijuana is used to help treat and manage debilitating diseases such as epilepsy, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and cancer.
Physicians and other healthcare professionals who write medical marijuana persuasive essay for it can be prosecuted under federal law. Many scientists have tried for decades to obtain permission from federal agencies like the FDA and DEA to have human medical trials and further the study the effects that marijuana has on the body. Marijuana is still a drug and it should still be treated as such even if it becomes legal to use for medicinal purposes. Get Access. Better Essays. Medical Marijuana Words 3 Pages. Medical Marijuana. Read More.
Satisfactory Essays. Persuasive Essay On Medical Marijuana Words 4 Pages. Persuasive Essay On Medical Marijuana. Marijuana for Medical Use Words 4 Pages 6 Works Cited. Marijuana for Medical Use. Should It Be Legal Words 3 Pages. Should It Be Legal. Good Essays. Legalizing Medical Marijuana Words 2 Pages. Legalizing Medical Marijuana. Should Marijuana Be Legalized For Medical Purposes? Argumentative Essay On Medical Marijuana Words 2 Pages. Argumentative Essay On Medical Marijuana, medical marijuana persuasive essay. Marijuana Should be a Medical Option! Medical Marijuana Words 4 Pages. Related Topics. Medical cannabis Cannabis.
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In a journal of Addictive behavior middle of paper it is a major contributor to fuels movement, helps textile-based products. The fibers from the hemp help make paper, fabric, and rope. Hemp has a higher yield than cotton as a study shows. Obviously, this policy is not effective for such an enormous price tag. The solution to this dilemma is not to just keep spending, but instead embracing the demand for marijuana. Legalizing marijuana will bring in revenue from recreational users and tourists. Yes Marijuana can cure diseases but it can also give diseases.
Marijuana also is not good for the people who inhale it around the user or for the users lungs. Marijuana is not the most dangerous drug no but it still can causes many problems for the user and the people around them. Marijuana is the most used drug in the US but numbers are also decreasing. If legalized more people are gonna use it then just the sick we need it. The "War on Drugs" has been fighting a tough opponent over the past few decades. Aimed at cutting down on drug use and sales, this "war" has brought many negative side effects along with it. Aside from limiting the freedoms of millions of Americans, The War on Drugs has caused many more problems while also managing to fail at drug deterrence and distribution.
Since many citizens already back the legalization of marijuana, as demonstrated by Oakland's passing of Measure Z, which makes marijuana related offenses the "lowest priority" to Oakland law enforcement officials Hill , marijuana should be legalized. First off, marijuana isn't even that bad of a drug. The decriminalization of marijuana is an incredibly controversial topic in the United States. Conservative views deem the drug dangerous and debilitating, while reformers suggest that legalizing the plant would have an enormous positive impact on the economy. While others, the terminally ill, wish for the plant to be legal so it can be offered as a less toxic and sometimes more effective alternative to harsh prescription drugs.
an overwhelming wealth of facts that state the benefits marijuana can have medically. I think that cons outweigh the pros and that marijuana compared to alcohol is more harmful to society in the long run. Alcohol is seen as something you tend to consume on the weekends when your celebrating or grieving while marijuana is seen as something you tend to consume when you feel like. Colorodo may be seeing a lot less arrests and a lot more tax revenue but its schools are being hit hard in the process. In 10 years Colorado and Washington may be the lowest averging IQ states in the country. Altough I am not for legalizing marijuana I am for legalizaing medical marijuana.
Dementia patients saw benefits from medicinal marijuana that helped alleviate them from anxiety, depression, and hallucinations "The Effects of Medical Marijuana on Alzheimer 's Treatment. Once again, these benefits from marijuana show how diverse and effective it is when used for treating neurodegenerative diseases. Medical cannabis has been shown to help those who suffer from cancer. One of the largest benefits that cancer patients gain with marijuana is that it helps stop and prevent the spread of tumor growth. If this were to be the marijuana act would be lifted and the law would no longer be in effect same rules and regulations as california , colorado or washington.
Cancer patients would be one of the greatest profiters from the legalization and the revenue from taxing it will come. With tax revenue like that we would be able to provide better education and projects for for school systems as I have mentioned previously Colorado 's Legal Weed. Crime rate as went down in most of the places that have legalized it as well for petty crimes such as small amounts of marijuana and petty theft. Legalizing marijuana at the least would do more wonders than just medical and bringing an end to possession charges for weed. The legalization of marijuana would also stimulate the economy with staggering. Home Page Persuasive Essay: The Benefits Of Medical Marijuana.
Persuasive Essay: The Benefits Of Medical Marijuana Better Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Persuasive Essay Medical Marijuana Opioids, narcotics, stimulants, and central nervous system depressants are commonly prescribed drugs to treat a variety of disorders and diseases. However because of their mind-altering or psychoactive effects, they are often abused and can be detrimental to your health. Loria, There has been a chemical recently found that could stop the spread of cancer. There are so many options for the use of marijuana in the medicinal purpose, that are way more cost efficient than a lot of other medications for diseases such as cancer and AIDS.
But, the use of medicinal purposes for marijuana are not only limited with these severe patients. Science tell us that marijuana can relive pain, depression, anxiety and a whole slew of other things. I feel that if someone can find relief in something other than an addicting often times misused pain pill is a better option for a patient to have. I feel that my arguments are proven by scientific studies along with scientifically gathered statistics. Stats have shown a huge decrease in marijuana related crimes as well as an increase in resources made available to law enforcement.
Marijuana is a very useful medicinal herb as it cures many diseases. One of its primary uses is curing seizure disorders. This is one of the most common, and important uses of medical marijuana. Pain is also diminished. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Persuasive Essay On Medical Marijuana. Persuasive Essay On Medical Marijuana Words 5 Pages Open Document.
Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Read More. Words: - Pages: 5. Medical Marijuana In The United States Marijuana has helped people with anxiety. Words: - Pages: 6. Legalizing Marijuana For example, cannabis causes teens to not act their age and have a hard time communicating with elders and authority. Benefits Of Medical Marijuana The cannabinoids in marijuana act as a central nervous system depressant, diminishing pain perception and increasing pain tolerance Ali Essay On Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized An article in Time magazine described the results of a study that was conducted researching how marijuana can have health benefits. Words: - Pages: 8.
Argumentative Essay Marijuana Researchers have found marijuana has plenty of medical potentials and uses to help people with a plethora of issues, helping with anything from insomnia to chronic pain.
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